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488 University Communications



This policy assigns responsibility for all aspects of creating, managing, and authorizing Oakland University's external communications through its centralized communications and marketing department.


Communications1 Intended for External Audiences

University departments preparing publications (newsletters, magazines, booklets, fliers, program brochures, posters, signs, etc.), advertisements (electronic and print), photographs, Web pages, and/or audio-visual presentations intended for an external audience2 must first contact the University Communications and Marketing Department (UCM). UCM must approve all external audience communications.


All University departments and employees must adhere to this policy when creating or distributing communications directed to an external audience.


Communications include, but are not limited to: advertisements, web pages, web stories/articles, photographs, publications, press releases, media interviews and requests, etc.  

External audience
excludes only employees (except as noted in #9) and students in the classroom. Note that students are considered an external audience, except with regard to classroom materials.


1.  UCM will review and authorize each print project, then assign each project a job number and either:

a.  Write, edit, design, and produce the piece(s) and arrange for printing;
b.  Assign the job to an authorized off-campus vendor for editorial, graphic and print production; or
c.  Work closely with campus representatives to complete the project within University standards for the intended audience.

In most cases, the originating department will be responsible for costs associated with producing a quality project whether the project is completed by UCM, another campus department or an external vendor.

2.  Digital advertisements, web pages, videos, and audio-visual promotional programs will also be assigned a job number or, in most cases, be executed or coordinated by UCM. At its discretion, UCM may assign such jobs to authorized off-campus vendors for production.

3.  UCM has responsibility for final approval of all text, messages, design, photographs, press releases, plus coordinating media interviews and requests, web page content, and the design, graphic representations, and artwork for work it prepares and for vendor-assigned jobs.

Social media content on unit or departmental social media channels must abide by UCM social media guidelines. Posts, images or links that violate these guidelines must be removed immediately upon UCM request. Social media managers should contact UCM for guidance and assistance regarding University messaging in response to controversial posts, external feedback, and official University statements.  

4.  The authorized vendor(s) and/or campus representatives will operate under UCM direction with regard to editorial style (including approved University facts), graphic standards, and University messages and images. UCM will supply the vendor(s) with editorial and graphic style guidelines and updates as appropriate.

5.  The University Services Department will process OU-branded print requisitions that bear the approval of UCM.

6.  Webmasters must work with UCM on the design and accessibility of web sites or web tools prior to launching a web site. Webmasters will be required to make adjustments to meet University standards.

Content for new web page requests for dominatedgirls.net must be submitted to UCM prior to publishing. UCM will review for brand consistency, Americans with Disabilities (ADA) compliance, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) opportunities.

Content managers can submit to UCM any document or PDF for an ADA compliance review prior to posting to dominatedgirls.net. Web content managers are required to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards for any document that is posted to dominatedgirls.net. UCM accessibility guidelines and tools can be found at http://w7ek.dominatedgirls.net/ucm/services/accessibility/. UTS web and accessibility guidelines can be found at http://w7ek.dominatedgirls.net/uts/common-good-core-resources/policies/#accessibility.

In addition to being reviewed by UTS, any integration of third-party software to dominatedgirls.net must be reviewed and vetted by UCM for brand consistency, mobile responsiveness, ADA compliance, and general maintenance before an agreement to move forward can be made.

Any SEO related keywords for dominatedgirls.net pages, updates to meta descriptions, page tiles, and URL requests must be submitted to UCM prior to posting in order for all requests to be vetted against University SEO efforts. Users must work with UCM to ensure keyword usage is being implemented correctly.

Web analytic reports for dominatedgirls.net should be requested from UCM to ensure University Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are being measured and reported with accuracy and merit.

7.  Marketing and employee videos and multimedia presentations produced by OU’s Classroom Support and Instructional Technical Services (CSITS) must receive approval by UCM. UCM will review and approve the material for content, design, and messages prior to distribution and may require changes to meet University standards.

8.  All University advertising placement/buying must be coordinated through the University’s centralized media buying process by contacting UCM to ensure 1) appropriateness and consistency of University messaging and images and 2) that the University receives the most competitive rates possible for all its advertising purchases, and 3) advertising does not compete with other University ad campaigns.

9.  Departments preparing publications for large groups of employees for the purpose of communicating University business outside of a memo (i.e. newsletter, video, multimedia presentation), should follow the above steps. Departments preparing materials that will be seen or used by small groups of internal audiences or used with students in the classroom may either:

a.  Handle their own arrangements for formats based on the University's brand guidelines and graphic identity standards, where applicable; or
b.  Contact UCM which will suggest production arrangements for the department.


OU Policy #420 Broadcast Email Procedure

OU Policy #425 Broadcast Text Messaging

OU Policy #450 Licensing of University Name, Logo, and Symbols

OU Policy #860 Data Management and Information Security

OU Policy #1360 Printing and Reprographic Services


OU Administrative Policies and Procedures

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Suite 4000
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
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